Thursday, March 31, 2011

April Fools' Day--- I Hate it...

Hari ni 1 April 2011...dengan itu banyak laa manusia2 dok menyambut "April Fool Day", pakat dok kenakan org ramai...!!! tapi yg biasa kenakan org tu, hari ni bukanlah hari yg istimewa sgt bagi diaorg sbb dah biasa...  Macam aku, bab2 kenakan org ni aku suka (biasa2 je, bukan teruk pun), puas hati aku...kalau hr tu mood x baik, rasa gembira lepas kenakan benda2 mcm ni aku sedar mmg x baik, sbb x pasal2 kita yg kena balik, x pun anak2 kita ikut'uzubillah, bab ni aku risau bila waktu mengandung nnt..
Aku suka kenakan org, tp paling x suka kalau org kenakan aku...Jarang kawan2 kenakan aku sbb diaorg baik...Kesian dpt kawan mcm aku...

Tibanya setiap 1 April, bukannya April Fool yg kami sekeluarga nanti-nantikan..1 April ni merupakan hari istimewa kedua-dua ayah & mak kami..Siapa sangka 2-2 sambut Hari Lahir sama2, senang nak ingat...Walaupun tarikh lahir sebenar mak aku bukanlah 1 April, tp dah surat beranak tulis mcm tu, sambut ajaa~~..dan kerana tarikh lahir ni jgk lah, mereka bertemu jodoh..Semuanya bermula pabila ayah aku meminta kawan dia cari seorg gadis yg sama tarikh lahir dgn dia (demand gak coach Irfan nih).. Kebetulan diaorg sama2 masuk kejohanan sukan kebangsaan/antarabangsa..Ayah aku wakil bolasepak, mak aku plak wakil Hoki perempuan..
inilah teori salasilah keluarga kami..

Tapi ada 1 kelemahan pada sesiapa yg mempunyai tarikh lahir 1 April..Pernah dulu mak aku cerita masa dia cikgu di Sekolah ~*%#@*)(??&%~ , disebabkan ayah aku tgh bekerja di KL, jd mak aku nak buat jamuan kecil-kecilan kat sekolah dgn 3-4org kawan dia...Kawan2 dia angguk je la tanda setuju... Mak aku pulun masak bihun & etc., bawak ke sekolah...Masa waktu rehat, mak aku hairan, "apsal kawan2 aku xde ni..?".. Rupa-rupanya diaorg dh mkn kat kafeteria.. mak aku tanya la, "apsal dh makan, kan dh ckp nk bwk mknan dr rumah"... Mak aku bengang dgn jawapan pra-matang kwn2 dia, "Laaa, hari lahir awk betul ke, saya ingat awak nk buat April Fool kat ktorg"... *_*... Sape x bengang!! Terus mak aku membebel, "Masya-Allah, kita ni dh tua, buat apa la nak sambut April Fool mcm budak2".... Tp elok jgak, rezeki kami adik-beradik dpt mkn makanan sedap hr tu yg mak bwk balik... Bihun goreng yang paling sedap!!!
Pengajaran, x perlu la percaya @ sambut Hari April Fool, rezeki lari ada laa..
*bahasa Kelate diterjemahkan ke bahasa mudah difahami..

Lagi satu, kalau lambat ucap 'Selamat Hari Lahir' kat ayah, mesti dia akan telefon ktorg, dan kecik hati yg ktorg dh lupa Hari Lahir dia...sbb tu semua set reminder pasal Hari Lahir dia...
Apa2 pun, Selamat Hari Lahir yg ke-60 ayah...tahun dpn dah blh pencen..

Forever Love
I'm kinda miss my mom a lot today...If she is still here today, she is now 57 years-old..We miss your laughter, your nagging, & everything about you Mak..No matter where you are right now Mak, may Allah bless your soul ~~

Monday, March 28, 2011

Words of the day~

~What you do with your real life is really just one half of the equation
~The other half, the more important half really,  
~is who you’re with when you are doing it.

Remember that no matter how successful or how great a person is, he is nothing without their beloved one beside him..Cherish your family, & love them..Your family and friends are your greatest treasure.. Soon or later you will still return to your family or friends when you have problems..

I guess I need to contact my father and my step-mother more...They are getting old, both only have 'one leg & one arm'...It seems that I didn't treat them like the way I should do...  
From the bottom of my heart, a thousand apologies ~father~, ~auntie~..

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Please hold on!!!

this is the shortest post I've ever post. One of my friend keep on asking when am I gonna update my blog but sorry dear, I just don't have the time..I spend most of my time nowadays watching my fav. artists on Youtube, sleeping, do my research, went to Super Junior Super Show 3 concert (which cause my whole body fatigue for standing for 6 hours+jumping). I've been idle since the speed of my broadband was slow, and it came back to its normal fast speed, & now become slow again after I watched my fav. shows on Youtube..
SuJu Concert <3
Just wait, because I have a lot of things to put in my blog for my memoirs..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Words of the day~

"Chyadonamu". It means a guy with a cold and good looking appearance. Recently, these kind of guys have become very popular. When there are guys like this in dramas, people quickly exclaim” Chyadonamu!”.

"Maemuki" = optimistic
"Hitorijanai" = you are not alone.The word that I like the most, & always included in Japanese songs, no matter what genre the Jpop artists are in..